Filterbags and Beutelfilters (Pall / FSI)
Pall Has recently announced to quit the production of their filter bags and filters cartridges. All FSI® products will stop being manufactured on December 31, 2020.
Van Borselen Filters has the complete range of bag filters (beutelfilters). Which will retrofit the Pall Filter Specialist inc. Pall Filter bags. This mean we have the Polyloc, we have the X100 cartridges and filterbags and the complete range of filterbags. Our filtersbags will fit in your housing and will click like the Plastic PolyLoc.
We are proud to be saying that in 95% of the cases the customer can use our filters without any difficulty, which often results in significant cost savings.
For more information, contact us at: +31(0)79-3412314 or

Felt filter bags (nadelfilz Filterbeutel) replacement Pall / FSI
Van Borselen has the answer when it comes to felt filter bags. Van Borselen has nearly 100 years of experience in the world of filtration. Our felt bagfilter (beutelfilters) are suitable for applications using vessel or open filtration systems and are designed to withstand higher solid loading. Van Borselen Filters only works with trusted manufacturers, which ensure a consistent great quality performance. We only work with the best materials possible to ensure you this higher quality. No matter the size of the particles, our extended life filter bags ensure superior filtration and have twice the dirt holding capacity of the standard filter bags. Due to the welded seams in our filter bags, there is no fluid bypass possible. We provide a variety of glazed and singed finishes to inhibit fibre migration. Van Borselen Filters also offers polyester inserted felts. These inserted felts include a reinforcing scrim needled inside the felt material, to provide added strength and durability, when a restrainer basket is not being used.
Nadelfilz Filterbeutel Available Materials:
PO Felt = Polypropylene (BPONG)
PE Felt = Polyester (BPENG)
Polyester = Polyester (BPEM)
N Felt = Nylon
HT Felt= High Temperature
TFE Felt = Teflon
Polyweld Replacement Pall / FSI:
Van Borselen Filters’ PolyWeld® filterbeutel hold a distinct advantage over all types of needle-sewn bags. There is no unfiltered liquid bypass possible, due to the welded seams that eliminate this risk. As a result, Van Borselen Filters’ PolyWeld filter bags work more efficient, due to the tighter seam, and therefore result in better yields of the desired filtrate. Also, the bags are fibre free, because of the fused edges, and therefore there is no fibre migration possible. Since these bags are not produced with thread, there is also no silicone contamination possible. The Van Borselen Filters’ PolyWeld filter bags are available in standard and extended life polypropylene or polyester felt and have the by-pass free Polyloc.
Part number: | Micron rating |
BPONG | 1, 3, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 |
BPENG | 1, 3, 5, 10, 25, 75, 100, 200 |
BPOEX | 5, 10, 25, 50 100 |
BPEEX | 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 |
Extended Life filter bag Pall / FSI
Van Borselen Filters Extended Life filter bags ensure the best performance possible on many different types of contaminants, like gels, particles with various shapes and particles with various sizes. The coarse, pre-filtering layer, is designed to provide long service life and captures a large amount of contaminants without excess surface loading. The POEX is able to filter twice the amount of particles as compared to standard felt bags. This results in the fact that you don’t have to change the filter bags as often as with the standard felt bags. These Extended Life filter bags are the solution in industries such as chemicals, automotive coatings, resins, edible oils and other fluids. Pall/FSI Felt filter bags (Nadelfilz Filterbeutel) POEX and PEEX.
Nadelfilz beutel filter size 1 | Nadelfilz beutel filter size 2 |
BPOEX5P1PWE 5 µm | BPOEX5P2PWE 5 µm |
BPOEX10P1PWE 10 µm | BPOEX10P2PWE 10 µm |
BPOEX25P1PWE 25 µm | BPOEX25P2PWE 25 µm |
BPOEX50P1PWE 50 µm | BPOEX50P2PWE 50 µm |
BPOEX100P1PWE 100 µm | BPOEX100P2PWE 100 µm |
Filt zakfilter MAX PONG
For low-cost and high-efficiency filtration, Van Borselen Filters offers the Heavy Duty Extended Life Filter Bag. The cartridge comes without any seams and has a micro-fibre graded density that removes trace oils that you will often find in process fluids. It has up to four times the dirt-holding capacity as compared to regular polypropylene bags. The felt cover has a welded seam and a polyloc ring to ensure that there is no risk of unwanted and unfiltered bypass. When low-cost and high-efficiency filtration is needed, this is the perfect choice. These bags are perfect in continuous flow applications and also in batch applications. They can also be used when a final filter of polishing filter is required.
Available Materials:
Polypropylene filter bag with 100% polypropylene rigid insert.
Polymicro filter bags pomf Pall / FSI:
The PolyFold Filter bag is manufactured with extended life felt on both sides. It has a 2.4X additional surface area, which ensures high dirt-holding capacity and ensures a longer durability. There is no risk of liquid bypass, due to the polyloc ring. The mesh cover helps you with the inserting and replacing the filter bag.
Pall FSI PolyFold Part numbers:
BPOF50P4002P | BPOF50P4001P |
BPOF10P4002P | BPOF10P4001P |
BPOF100P4002P | BPOF100P4001P |
BPOF25P4002P | BPOF400P4001P |
Pall FSI polymicro filterbags POMF
When you need a better filtration efficiency, the Van Borselen Filters POMF filter bags are your best choice. With its three layers, one that performs as a pre-filtering layer for bigger sized particles, a primary layer for efficient particle retention and the outer layer preventing fibre migration, the Van Borselen Filters POMF filter bag ensures great efficiency filtration. The non-foaming finish-free fibres are ideal for the food and beverages industry, water industry, chemicals and coating applications.
BOS Seamless-absolute rated Filterbags Pall / FSI:
The BOS filter bag is a Polymicro filter bag without any seams due to the way of manufacturing. It has unique materials that ensure better efficiency, with graded pore-size distribution resulting in absolute filtration. Due to the Heat-bonded microfibres, the filter bag comes without any seams and is still very stretchable. This provides the best possible resistance to channeling, unloading, bypass and other forms of leakings. This high-end filter bag is perfect when precise, absolute filtration is needed.
Pall FSI BOS Beutelfilters Absolute rated filter bags are available in size 1 and 2.
Mesh Filterbags Maschenfilterbeutel Pall / FSI
All van Borselen mesh Filter bags are constructed using a woven or knitted fabric. Whether your particular environment requires a single filament mesh that provides excellent strength with no fiber migration, or a woven multi-strand mesh designed for economical filtration bags, we have your needs covered. The yarn in all of our mesh filter bags (beutelfilter) is abrasion resistant, compatible with a broad range of chemicals, unaffected by metal fatigue or corrosion, and boasts high tensile strength.
Available material and micron rating for the mesh bag filters (Maschenfilterbeutel):
Nylon Monofilament Mesh:
1, 5, 10, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 250, 400, 600, 800, 1200
Polyester Multifilament Mesh:
75, 100, 125, 150, 200, 250, 400, 800, 1500
Polypropylene Monofilament Mesh:
100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 600, 800